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Cheltenham is always looking for dedicated volunteers to serve on various citizen committees.


Citizen committees play a vital role in advising the township staff and the board of commissioners on township programs, policies, and matters that affect residents and businesses. 


As a strong and purpose driven leader, I need your vote, prayers, and financial support to be elected to the Cheltenham Township Board of Commissioners to push for the necessary changes to help ensure that Cheltenham becomes an even better place to live, work, play, and socialize.


Get the latest from Commissioner Lewis in your inbox!


We can let you know how we're getting things done for Cheltenham Township.


You'll receive updates on our work, upcoming event information, advisory committee and volunteer opportunities and more!


April 26, 2023

Get Out The Vote!

Please vote for and help GOTV (Get Out the Vote!) for my fellow Commissioners. Together, we will strengthen and help grow Cheltenham Township: Please click on the candidate’s name to visit their website: Dan Norris, Jeff Chirico, and Irv Brockington, Matt Areman.

April 26, 2023

Donate Blood

Cheltenham Township will be partnering with the Red Cross to help restore local levels through monthly blood drives.

Glenside Hall
185 S. Keswick Ave.

2023 Dates:

June 9
July 7
August 18
September 29


Sign up HERE

April 26, 2023

Donate a Tree!

You can share your love of trees at any time through Cheltenham Township's tree donation program! Trees are a very valuable natural resource -- providing shade, reducing pollution, preventing soil erosion, providing habitats and food for wildlife, and improving the beauty and value of our communities.

If you have a favorite park or would like to honor a loved one or commemorate a special event in your life, consider donating or "adopting" a native tree.


Gifts can be made according to one of five donation levels below, which will include donor acknowledgement, as well as protective fencing and maintenance for new trees.

To maximize the survival opportunities of the donor trees, trees will likely be planted by staff during a select window in the spring and fall (bare root trees will only be planted in the fall.)

We will do the best we can to accommodate donor's choice of Township location and tree species. All donors will be acknowledge through a Master Tree Donor list on the Township website. If the tree should die in the first 3 years, it will be replaced at no cost to the donor.  If the tree must be relocated for any reason, the Township will make every effort to contact and inform the donor.

For more information, click here:  Donate a Tree - Cheltenham PA (

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